Wednesday, October 31, 2007

First Freebie- Part 2

OK so I REMEMBERED to get up and post the second part of the freebie this morning=) But first things first this poor kit doesn't have a name! As of right now I am just calling it "Mego's Birthday" so I would LOVE some suggestions on names for this kit=) The person to come up with a name will get a special Add-on! Would y'all like to see a couple LO's I did with this kit?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

OK so here is the second part of the kit, the papers(and if you looked at my LO's that gives you a sneak preview of some of them=):


Ari's Digi Designs


Carjazi - aka Diane said...

I'm so horrible with names. What about Bubblegum dreams? Pink & green I thought of bubblegum. See told you I was horrible with names.

Have a good day!

Leigh said...

I can't think this morning! Otherwise, I'm sure I would tell you something silly! GJ!

Anonymous said...

I'm horrible with names too. But, I like the title on the second layout, call it buggy boo. LOL

Hapyp Halloween!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Heather, I was gonna suggest that before I even came here to the comment page, I promise! I'm not copying! I think buggy boo is cute.

Unknown said...

Happy Halloween - I'm with Buggy Boo!

Unknown said...

Happy Halloween! And I am going with everyone else..Bugaboo!

Unknown said...

OK, so I wasn't the same as everyone, lol...I like Buggy Boo too!