Monday, October 15, 2007

Mom's birthday, Lack of directional skill, etc

I'm having a bit of a rough day today because today would have been my Mom's 51st birthday. Unfortunately she'll always be 48 (the age she died at). I miss her so much and especially on days like these.

Oh, and I am still so tired from my trip on Saturday. OK so a friend and I went over to Boca Raton on Saturday for a workshop. Now since that is on the opposite coast it should be a 4-5 hour drive, right? We ended up getting a little off track in the morning, now did I forget to mention we left at 4:30 AM because the workshop started @ 10, but it only took us about 5 1/2 hours. OK so I figured with my total lack of directional skills that wasn't too bad. We had a great day and left Boca about 5 PM, now if your following even if it took the same amount of time that it had taken that morning, we should have been home at 10:30 PM. Would you care to guess what time we got home? 1 AM, it took us EIGHT HOURS to get home!!!!! Needless to say 12 + hours of driving has left me a bit sore and tired.

OK so those are my rants of the day. Are we ready for the next batch of CT LO's (that I had every intention of posting Saturday evening but if you read above you'll see why that didn't happen=)

Leslie Hasenkamp's Designs:

This one seemed appropriate to start off today with=)
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I'm so excited this LO was featured on 10.10.07 Get over the hump Scrappy Scoop blog inspiration!
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OK, I know I posted this when it was chosen for LOD @ Moo Two Designs, but apparently it bears repeating=)
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Monique said...

Beautiful layouts... and I hope you have a great day despite the sad memories.

Anonymous said...

Exceptional layouts...I love the colors! Try and have a great day!

Anonymous said...

So sorry about your Mom .. that's got to be so rough. Have a wonderful day, despite the bad that has happened!

Mabel said...

Beautiful colors and layouts, I'm so tired today too!!! hate mondays =))

Great day to everyone! ;)

Unknown said...

Hugs ARI!!!! I am sure you could use them :) and your layouts are amazing!!! LOVES sent to you!!! :)