Friday, December 14, 2007

I've been Tagged

OK well after over a month of not Bloging guess I am catching up by doing 2 posts today, LOL.I was reading Leslie's blog after I already posted and saw that she tagged me with these Questions SO here are my answers! :)

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
I HATE wrapping but for Christmas I usually do wrap quite a bit but use bags for those odd sized/shapped presents=)

2. Real or Artificial tree?
Artificial, a real tree would never last a whole month here in FL, plus they're EXPENSIVE since they have to be shipped here from the northern states. Oh and it's so much less hassle, shove it in a bag and store it in the attic, lol.

3. When do you put up the tree?
The weekend after Thanksgiving, after we've recouped from Black Friday;)

4. When do you take the tree down?
Ummm, whenever we get around to it, sometime between the days preceding Christmas and New Years.

5. Do you like Eggnog?
Not really a fan, I have an aversion to anything with a strange texture and uhh eggnog definitely has a strange texture.

6. Favorite Gift you received as a child?
My Mom always worked really hard to get most everything on my Christmas list. But one thing I LOVED (ans miss now) was that she always put Tranquil Moments Shower gel (by Avon) in my Stocking. Also there was always a family gift under the tree that was a box full of family movies from a club they joined. It was so scool to open them and read what they were about and then watch them together as a family.

7. Do you have a nativity scene?
Yes, kind of. Last year my Dad bought me a lil precious moments ceramic natitvity that has Mary, Joeseph, baby Jesus, and the manger.

8. Hardest person to buy for?
My Dad and Tom, Men they're hard! Oh and my Grandparents aren't that easy either, they have everything they want or can buy it and won't ever give you ideas.

9. Easiest person to buy for?
My "niece" and "Nephew" kids are so easy and fun to buy for, yay I get scope out the toys=)

10. Worst Christmas gift ever received?
Hmmm, can't really say I have ever gotten a bad Christmas git, sometimes I get clothes that don't fit but they can always be exchanged for the right size. My family knows my style, thank goodness, lol.

I Tag Mego, Mary, and anyone reading this that hasn't answered=)

I'm Back

OH MY, I have been a HORRIBLE blogger, now haven't I??? I am so sorry that I haven't been updating. Things have just been crazy, hectic around here. First my Nephew was in the hospital for 5 days and got to come home RIGHT before thanksgiving. And now it just seems with the holidays there is SOOO much to do that I can't find time to get it all done!!

Oh yeah and my lil sis and I joined a Design contest at Digital Scrap Garden (The link will take you to the preview of our second week Kit). We're having a TON of fun but boy has that put me behind as well. OK So since I have been such a slacker I will give you the last two freebies for the kit I was giving out and the add-on will be posted tomorrow.

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